Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Garden

12-13-10 ~ I love my garden. Then again, I love most gardens. Large public gardens and private ones, whether they're formal, native, tropical, minimal or cottage style -- japanese, xeriscaped, desert or water gardens, all interest and inspire me. Plants and trees organized into planned landscapes or growing naturally in the wild, to my eyes, all are beautiful in their own way. Just being in natural surroundings makes me happy, mosquitoes and high humidity notwithstanding, of course. Our own garden -- our back yard -- started out as a rather blank canvas of St. Augustine lawn with a few trees here and there. After looking at it for a couple of years, we had a fairly good idea what we wanted, so we sought the expertise of a master gardener to help us make a plan we could mostly install ourselves. Fast forward a few years, and the more our garden has become established, the more I have fallen in love with it. It is one of the first things I see every day. In warm weather, I sit outside overlooking it while I enjoy my morning coffee. Same routine in the evening, except with a glass of wine. Judging by their presence, cats and birds also find these surroundings agreeable. It is a place that soothes and quiets; a sanctuary of peace and beauty. It is also a work in progress that varies seasonally and continues to take shape as it matures over time. I love the state of flux our garden exists in. Never static, our garden is always changing, but in subtle ways that pull me in, inviting me to slow down and take a closer look. I enjoy getting to know the critters who call it home. We have tried to make a haven for birds who are year-round residents and for those who pass through twice a year. I am so grateful for my garden. We give it a little bit of love and care, and it rewards us in the form of flowers and greenery, expressing its own gratitude in return.   


zoomletta said...

I'm catching up on your blog! I love this post and it really makes me want to visit your garden. It also makes me want to work in my own sad yard.

elbee said...

Thanks. Come over for happy hour or coffee sometime! I don't think anyone's garden is at its best right now, by the way.