Thursday, January 20, 2011

Life's Little Luxuries

12/21/10... The season for indulgences of every type is upon us: parties, food, drink, not to mention temptations galore when allegedly shopping for other people's gifts. The gifts themselves can also be extravagant if TV, billboard, and magazine advertising are any indication. Apparently, you haven't really said "I love you" if there isn't a diamond involved, or a shiny new car parked in the driveway with a giant bow on top. Overeating, overspending, overdoing it in just about every way imaginable -- it's part and parcel of the holiday season. 
Today we allowed ourselves a little luxury, too: we dropped off the laundry to have it washed, dried and folded for us. I honestly don't mind doing the laundry, though I sure prefer doing it at home and not at the laundromat. One of the quirks of living in our sweet older house is the lack of proper, up to code, laundry hook-ups. Someday we'll remodel, and carving out a space for a washer and dryer is a top priority on that particular wish list. I am thankful we have a nice, new, pristine laundromat near us. It offers wifi, TV, a clean restroom, good air conditioning and large tables for folding. Despite these many amenities, I was perfectly happy not spending two hours there this afternoon. As Christmas fast approaches, it seems like time itself is a luxury in short supply.  So today, I am grateful for this little gift to myself -- 'Tis the season, after all.

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