Friday, January 7, 2011

John Lennon

Written on Dec. 8th, 2010 -- Today is the 30th anniversary of John Lennon's assassination. Those of us who are Beatles fans and who were alive thirty years ago remember the shocking news, the disbelief, and the numbing grief in the days that followed. John Lennon was an artist of extraordinary range and talent whose gifts were not limited to writing some of the world's most memorable pop songs. He also spread a universal message of love and peace that continues to inspire. He was a complex and flawed individual, and some reject his image as a peace-loving person, but we all know that humans are multidimensional beings with equally complicated psyches. I don't think it is a huge contradiction to be a spokesman for world peace and brotherly love, while privately at odds with oneself, or to have artistic and personal differences with bandmates and loved ones. These kinds of conflicts are so human. I don't think John Lennon ever aspired to be seen as some kind of saint or wished to be held to a ridiculous and impossible standard of perfection. But he did stand up and courageously speak out against war, and I loved him for that. We could use a heaping helping of his truth right now. I know there will never be another John Lennon. I miss his voice, his courage, his simple message to Give Peace a Chance. I love that so many people still honor the life and legacy of John Lennon. I love that a whole new generation of kids are growing up to be fans. I am so grateful for the life and music and the message of my favorite Beatle, John Lennon. 


Lynell said...

I thought about how grateful I am for John Lennon when I was doing my gratitude posts, but then I never wrote about him. I'm grateful that you did.

elbee said...

I am grateful for you!