Monday, January 24, 2011


12/29/10 ~ Last night I didn't sleep very well, which isn't all that unusual. Even still, it was great to have arrived back home after traveling to see family over the holidays. We drove the final few hours of our trip in a slow drizzle that gave the Texas Hill Country a misty, otherworldly look, with fog rising off of creek beds and low clouds hugging the tops of hills. This made for a lovely wintry scene, which would have been more enjoyable if not for the rather iffy driving conditions. The drizzle continued as we arrived home, greeted our pets and unpacked. 
We've been in a drought for a while now, so any precipitation is welcome, as far as I am concerned. The rain picked up toward bed time and I happily fell asleep listening to it. When I woke up during the night, it was comforting and peaceful to lie there, listening to my sleeping husband's rhythmic breathing and the gentle rain while I snuggled with our happy cat. So, this morning I am giving thanks for seeing family during the holidays, arriving safely back home again, and the little bit of rain we've gotten since yesterday. I know it's not enough to be a drought breaker, but still...  

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