Friday, January 21, 2011


12/22/10... A few nights ago we watched the holiday movie "Elf" again, and not surprisingly, I laughed myself silly. I laughed until big fat tears streamed down my cheeks. I laughed at details I'd forgotten, and I laughed at lines moments before they were said. Apparently, the mere anticipation of them is enough to trigger the joy. 
Whoever said laughter is the best medicine was actually onto something, as it truly does have health benefits, reducing stress and releasing endorphins. Laughter is universal, and laughter is contagious. A little levity can make even the most grim of situations a little more bearable. We all laughed even before we learned to talk, and really, is there anything more adorable than a laughing baby? Laughing is something people everywhere have in common. Laughter breaks the ice, eases awkward social situations, and warms us to one another. I dedicate this post to laughter, and I celebrate the actors, writers, comics, my smart and funny friends, and all of the situations in life that make me smile out loud. 

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