Sunday, January 2, 2011

Two of my friends are keeping Gratitude Journals during the holidays, and I love the idea so I am doing one, too. The following posts were originally written in December 2010.
Dec. 3, 2010. Morning. So far, today is sunny and beautiful. Chilly, but not really cold. I am sitting, coffee cup in hand, facing east into a glowing, sun-filled window. I am in the comfy chair, feet propped up on a footstool, trusty macbook on my lap. Doves, sparrows and mockingbirds move constantly; blurred forms silhouetted beyond a scrim of sheer drapery as they go about their own mornings. Shadows of leaves, limbs and branches offer additional texture and movement. It's a sort of silent movie with occasional birdsong as a soundtrack. I never tire of it, tuning in almost daily this time of year; it is nature's version of The Morning Report. I am so happy to be here, taking it all in. In my little world, there is so much to be grateful for that the true challenge is finding a place to begin. So I will begin with 'right now'. Right now, I am grateful for this beautiful moment, and for a life so plentiful, I may soon discover that the list of things to be thankful for is infinite. Right now, I am grateful for this beautiful  morning. I love the mornings. Each and every morning feels like a fresh start to me. A promise begging to be kept. In the morning I feel that anything is possible; that I can form the day into whatever shape I like. Every single day brings discovery, if I open my eyes enough to see it, though I cannot always claim to have accomplished much by day's end. Sometimes I fall into the trap of chastising myself for this. But not 'right now'. Right now is still a moment so full of morning light and possibility that I recognize it for what it truly is: the perfect starting place. How could I not be grateful for that?

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