Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Things I take for Granted

12/30/10... On Christmas Day I emailed a friend of mine who is serving in the Peace Corps on an island in the Caribbean. I found out she has been without reliable running water since late October when Hurricane Tomas hit there. This is what she had to say:

"Hurricane Tomas devastated our island Oct 30-31.  We are still in recovery mode.  Went several weeks without water, power and any form of communication.  We still go long periods without water, I am on my 9th day right now.  Woke up this morning hoping today would be the day I'd get a shower and wash my hair but, no such luck.  My landlords have a water catchment so we have water that I carry for flushing the toilet." 
When I expressed concern and sympathy for her situation, especially on Christmas Day, she responded "The water issue is frustrating, but as life goes, no big deal.  People have lived for many generations with even less.  I will never take water for granted, it is precious."

Reading her words I realize how fortunate I truly am. I am amazed at the level of comfort and the many conveniences I completely take for granted: a roof over my head, easy communication with anyone, anywhere, at any time. Clean hot and cold running water, toilets that flush with the push of a lever, a ready supply of food of every kind, consumer goods and gadgets of every description, an excess of everything, it seems. 
I want to keep a picture in my mind of everything my friend is sacrificing in order to help others, without complaining about what she lacks. Whenever I hear myself getting complainy or whiny I want to remember how my friend and so many others live and work every day.

I am exceedingly grateful for this lesson, and for my wonderful friend. I am so blessed in every way.   

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