Sunday, January 16, 2011

Getting Older

I spent a lot of my younger years dreading getting older or, to put it more accurately, getting old. I know vanity had a great deal to do with that. After all, what 25 year old looks forward to becoming wrinkled and watching their hair turn grey? Ah, the callowness of youth... Losing a few friends at a young age turned me around on that front, though. Obviously, getting older beat the alternative of an untimely demise. Now that I'm actually there I can report that, as of my mid 50s, being older really is not so bad after all. I know this is due in large part to having some really great friends and a wonderful spouse to share the journey with. There have been a few bumps in the road, but so far, nothing we can't manage. Who was it who said what doesn't kill me makes me stronger --  Kanye West? Nietzsche? I am not sure, but I think they were on to something. Also, to my amazement I have discovered there are certain advantages to getting older such as, dare I say it, becoming more of a grown-up, and letting go of some useless old baggage. Getting friendly with the notion that life offers all sorts of opportunities for learning lessons was also helpful. It isn't always easy. In fact, getting schooled by life sometimes means putting one's pain threshold to the test. It's not as though I have everything all figured out. Very very far from it, in fact. But I'm looking forward to living more. And learning more. I could not have dreamed up a more perfect partner to grow old with. I am happy to be the age I am. Happy and grateful. 

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