Tuesday, January 11, 2011

12/11/10 ~ Today I am grateful for the two good samaritans who stopped to assist us when our newly purchased Christmas tree flew off the roof of our car, blocking an entire lane of traffic on a main thoroughfare in our town. 
We have all relied on the kindness of strangers from time to time, and I am exceedingly thankful these kind strangers happened along when they did. Their willingness to stop and lend a helping hand more than made our day and is a great reminder that there are many kind and helpful people out there. I wince, knowing how badly this story might have ended, and I give thanks aplenty that no one was hurt by the projectile tree
The tree itself sustained only minor injuries and will bless us with its presence throughout the remainder of the holiday season. I am grateful for that, too.

1 comment:

elbee said...

Correction! This post was originally written on December 12, 2010. I am grateful, and I am also easily confused!