Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A Gentle Nudge

Years ago I created this blog at the suggestion of a friend in order to post a series of short essays on the subject of Gratitude. Until now I hadn’t posted anything in forever. Over a decade. Honestly, I hadn’t thought about this blog in ages.

Today though, I received a weekly writing prompt via Patreon. The writer, Kim Krizan, whose Patreon I subscribe to closed out the year with a hopeful post where she mentions several things for which she is thankful, small kindnesses of her neighbors, young people dedicated to making positive changes in the world, overhearing a young child communicating in Spanish to the family chickens. So sweet!

She then suggested making a list of positive news, inspiring people, reasons to be thankful. I remembered this blog and how I enjoyed the challenge of starting it and making regular posts. Back then it seemed everyone had a blog, now the thing is podcasts, I suppose? Are blogs even relevent anymore? Is everyone on Substack now?

I don't know, but I've decided to try and remember to post here again. I think I'm up for the challenge. I have stopped posting on other forms of social media. No one sees this, so it's essentially anonymous, which suits my private nature just fine.

The photo is of a mural at the high school down the street from us. I don't know who the artists are or I would credit them. There is a series of these. I am grateful for the young artists who created this art. It no doubt inspires others and certainly brightens the brick wall of a public school. 

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